LDA Generates Rs. 3.55 Billion from Plot Auction
The Lahore Development Authority (LDA) earned an impressive Rs. 3.55 billion in revenue during a public auction of plots held at the Lahore Expo Centre.
A total of 42 properties, including residential, commercial, educational, market, dispensary, and apartment sites, as well as restaurants, canteens, and salons, were auctioned.
Notable Sales:
Commercial Plot on Jail Road, Gulberg V: Rs. 1.88 billion
Apartment Site in Johar Town B-1: Rs. 436.6 million
Commercial Plot in Jubilee Town: Rs. 162 million
Education Site in OPF Scheme's A Block: Rs. 179.6 million
Commercial Plot in Civic Centre, Johar Town: Rs. 87.6 million
Lease Rights for Education Site in Mustafa Town: Rs. 20.8 million
Restaurant Site at LDA Sports Complex Canal West: Rs. 12.1 million
Rooftop Restaurant in Moon Market, Allama Iqbal Town: Rs. 7.7 million
Various school canteens, marquees, and sports sites across Lahore also attracted competitive bids, with commercial plots in Johar Town, Jubilee Town, Mustafa Town, Tajpura, and Sabzazar drawing offers ranging from Rs. 5 million to over Rs. 37 million.
Top LDA officials, including the Director General and additional DGs for Housing and Urban Planning, Revenue, Finance, Auction, and Education, oversaw the auction. An LDA spokesperson noted that this auction surpassed the previous event’s revenue of Rs. 2 billion, marking another significant financial milestone for the authority.